Don’t let her death go in vain.

News reports say that the 22-year old woman – that too a desuup, died after she had to jump out of a blazing building. This is so unfortunate. She is somebody’s daughter, sister, wife or a friend.

Such deaths are also so unnecessary because they are totally preventable. I would request the Hon’ble Cabinet members, or the Thimphu Thromde to consider passing, or strengthening, a building code that requires all buildings above three-storied or more to install fire exits. It would help prevent such tragedies in future. This is a rule that is strictly followed in other countries.   

Tragedies happen but we must learn from them. These days it is neither too expensive nor sophisticated to build a spiral staircase made out of steel – projecting out of the building. Some buildings in Thimphu already have them. Likewise all public buildings – ESPECIALLY SCHOOLS must have emergency exits and regular fire drills.

It is also high time that Bhutan Electricity Authority and Bhutan Standards Bureau start certifying electrical products coming into the country. Sub-standard cables, power sockets and MCBs are sure to give in after a few years of service (my first degree is in electrical engineering). Plus electrification works should be done by certified technicians. 

Then there are other important suggestions, but just the above will go a long way in making our buildings safer.

Please pass the message, share or tag the relevant organisations and individuals. 

If you or your folks own any buildings consider making fire escapes for your own interests.


(Photo and source: The Bhutanese )

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