Humanity is still alive

“You save one man. You save mankind entire” (Jewish proverb).

Anyone who saw the film, The Schindlers List, would remember this line. This beautiful quote has been my inspiration when I feel overwhelmed by all the misery and tragedies, and when we feel helpless. The quote tells us that we don’t need to save the world if it is not possible. Or take on all the problems and issues. But we can solve one problem for one person. That way we save the sense of humanity.

Today we celebrate the collective compassion we exhibited after we all saw a harrowing picture of this man carrying his child as he ran up and down the street to do his work. Our hearts simply melted as the scorching Sun was roasting both of them.

The video and the subsequent posts also caught the attention of the members of the Bhutan Early Childhood Education and Development Association – an association of private day-care centers. They in turn circulated the case of this family among their members and just EVERY member offered to take in the child (in the day care) ON SCHOLARSHIP, so that the father and the mother can go to work in peace, while the child is taken care. The association jointly decided that child will be admitted to the nearest private ECCD near Pamtsho, where the couple lives.

More help for the young family is forthcoming from what I hear. It is simply heartwarming to see that compassion is still alive – here among the Bhutanese. 🥳🥳🥳

Lastly, a shout-out of appreciation to my young friend Tertoens『MJ』gaming for the heart-wrenching video (this is the power of media). Please keep going. You don’t need billions to help the poor. You just need a good heart and empathy. Plus you need a phone, which everyone has these days.

And thank you, the ECCD association led by Jamtsho Yld for your offer.

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