Time, and life, do not wait for committees

So, it is not just me who is nauseated by this committee thing for every decision to be made in this country – especially with the over-emphasis on it. (See my earlier post)

Well, to share my own experience I have always believed in the old Bhutanese adage – consult others but decide for yourself. In much of what I do at personal – and at professional level, this old wisdom has been my modus operandi.

Sure, it has got me into trouble. I was slapped with 141 audit memos when I led the Bhutan TV project in 1999 (my promotion was held for several years because of these). At work, my colleagues were often caught off-guard when they found themselves lagging behind me. This attracted, and attracts, a lot of envies and jealousies. But never mind. Nothing lasts anyway.

There is one thing one must remember, though: And that is, never to do anything with greed, hatred or self-interest. If you leave those out, the universe will ultimately find you honest and innocent – no matter what you do or how you do. And you will have no skeletrons to hide in your cupboard. You can age with a smile and with a pure heart – a clean chit, with tens of achievements on your cap.

And so is life..

Time does not wait for anyone. As my good friend, blogger Yeshey Dorji, says: the world does not wait for Bhutan.

In life, if you get entangled with what others might say or think, you will age regardless, and soon it will be time for you to pack your belongings and vacate place. No one owns the job one has. Don’t make it too personal. Rather, do what is best for the job – not for yourself.

For those in leadership positions or in a place of power or privileges, cherish it! You are the Chosen One. But don’t waste the opportunity by playing safe, or by playing dirty – or by the holding back the best of yourself. Because when you go – and you will go one day, you want to go with a style, not with regrets and remorse. You should the proudest of yourself when you eventually retire.

The choice, of course, is yours.

By the way, the iconic Taktshang was not built by a committee.

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