On Top of the World

Jigme Palden Dorji’s feat is beyond him.

Congrats to our young army officer, Jigme Palden, for dragging himself to the peak of Mt. Everest. I say “dragging” because everyone who has been above 5,000 meters will know that it is no more a casual walk after that altitude.

I was joking that the highest point I have been to in my life was 5,300 and with an extra shot of whisky I felt I was on the top of the world. What a feeling it was!

Jokes aside, first, Jigme’s personal achievement is not just about him. His achievement is a reminder, and inspiration, to our youth that there are still places to go, things to do and peaks to summit. It need not necessarily be another mountain, or the Moon, but could be the peaks of science and technology, of business and innovations, or art and music, and films or farming, and many more.

In a country where strong socio-cultural norms and the perceived limited opportunities make you feel constricted, young Jigme (I think he was my daughter’s schoolmate) is a reminder of the immense possibilities and potentials that the world offers and that one should not be holed up in the excuses provided by the society around you and the authorities above you. It is an example of having a dream and pursuing with with determination.

It is about thinking beyond the normal, routine and the acceptable. Nothing great has been achieved by humanity without challenging all the above.

Second, and most importantly, it is about challenging yourself – to wake up early, train hard, work late, put your heads down and keep going.

“You don’t conquer the peak. You conquer yourself”, a seasoned mountaineer once told me long time back. It is not about reaching the summit. It is about knowing yourself, where you can get, what you can do, and who you are at the deepest level – because only when you push yourself to the extreme you know what you are. This is perhaps a person’s biggest achievement in life. Once you figure this out, the rest will follow.

I join the nation in celebrating this proud moment of his achievement and in wishing for a wonderful life ahead of him with more “peaks” to conquer.

May the spirits of your ancestors, and the dharma protectors of this small great nation be with you.


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